CLIL: Russian Revolution

3. February 1917

The revolution began on the 23 of February in Petrograd as a result of a general strike that was a great trouble also in order to supply the army at the front.

Nicholas tried to force the strike calling the army from the front but also a strike of the workers on the railroad prevents the repression. 

The string spread to the rest of the country and the 2° of March, the tzar abdicated in favor of the prince Lvov. At the Duma a new assembly was called to decide the new order.

Meanwhile, in the factories we had the new experience of the Soviets where a new conflict was between Mensheviks (in favor of gradual reforms) and Bolsheviks (in favor of a dictatorship of the proletariat).

The 3° of April, Lenin, returned from Switzerland (by train, helped by the German Army who was hoping that Lenin could take out Russia from the war) and pronounced the "thesis of April": all the power to the soviets! So: the nationalization of the industry and collectivization of the land and distribution of it to peasants. So: end of the war.

But in the Duma the idea of the assembly was to not exit the war. Lvov assigned the government to Kerenskij who tried to transform the country into a liberal country but in order of this he had also to repress the revolution, but he failed.